
TIOBE 编程社区指数是编程语言流行度的指标,该榜单每月更新一次,指数基于全球技术工程师、课程和第三方供应商的数量。包括流行的搜索引擎,如谷歌、必应、雅虎、维基百科、亚马逊、YouTube 和百度都用于指数计算。

After having been in the top 20 for about 3 years, statistical language R dropped out this month. This is quite surprising because the field of statistical programming is still booming, especially thanks to the popularity of data mining and artificial intelligence. It seems that there is a consolidation going on in the statistical programming market. Python has become the big winner. A possible reason for this is that statistical programming is finding its way from university to industry nowadays and Python is more accepted by the industry.


排名前十的分别是:Java, C, C++, Python, Visual Basic .NET, C#, JavaScript, SQL, PHP 和汇编语言。相比于4 月份,前 10 排名基本没变化。


1,在进入 TOP 20 大约三年后,用于数据统计的 R 语言在本月首次跌出前二十名
2,Python 保持积极的发展速度,继续缩小与 C++ 的排名差距
3,Swift 排名较上个月有所上升,不过与 Objective-C 仍有较大差距
4,PHP 排名虽然仍保持第 9 名,不过整体呈下降趋势
5,Go 与上个月相比下跌了一名,整体变化比较稳定

Top 10 编程语言 TIOBE 指数走势(2002-2018)

